Venue Details
Room information, guest capacity, square footage, availability and deposit requirements.
Crystal Room
Up to 350 guests maximum
5,200 square feet
Dance floor up to 1,800 square feet
Sunday through Friday - minimum of 100 people
Saturday afternoon - minimum of 100 people
Saturday evening - minimum of 125 people
Fireplace Room
Up to 150 guests maximum
2,800 square feet
Dance floor up to 900 square feet
Sunday through Friday - minimum of 50 people
Saturday afternoon - minimum of 50 people
Saturday evening - minimum of 75 people
Deposit Information
A security deposit is required to hold the room on a specific date.
The following is a table of deposits required:
Non-profits $300 - tax exempt form required when contracting.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night events $1000
Every other day or lunch hours $500
There will be no refunds on any deposits or payments made toward a party. No exceptions